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Standard cabin with ocean view handicapped accessible

With Oceanview

The cabin

Spacious with automatic doors

The cabin are wheelchair friendly, with a larger bathroom than other cabins and wider doors than usual (entrance 85 cm / to bathroom 80 cm) - without doorstep.

This cabins sleeps up to two person. It is also allowed to bring guide dog or service dog. The cabin has automatic door opener and a lovely sea view.

This cabin meets the needs of wheelchair users.

Guide dogs are allowed.

Need wifi?

It is possible to buy wifi access on board at an additional cost via a secure payment page on the network «ColorGuest».

Click image to open gallery.


13.7 sqm


1 handicapped person + 1 accompanying person.


Telephone, TV, handicapped accessible bathroom with WC/shower (ca. 2 sqm), automatic door opener, linoleum floor, guide / service dogs allowed. 


Deck 8


Please contact us via telephone +47 229 44 200


It is possible to buy wifi access at an additional cost via a secure payment page on the network «ColorGuest».