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Color Line’s safety and contingency plans

The operating company Color Line Marine AS (CLM) is responsible for ensuring that the maritime operation is in accordance with current legislation and requirements just as the safety aspect is considered too. CLM also works to prevent situations that might lead to injury or damage to life, health or the environment. Incident reporting and root cause investigation are  is constantly improved to provide the company with better insight into potential risks in operations and to take preventive measures to avoid incidents. This is part of Color Line’s contingency plan. The results of this work are achieved in the form of a reduction in the number of serious non-conformances, which can be seen for example in the consistently low number of observations made during Port State Controls. Color Line also receives positive feedback from and external audits, such as audits by the classification organization and the shipping authorities.

Regular exercises are carry-out by the Color Line ships at sea and the CLM emergency response group on shore. carry out regular exercises. In 2016 there were also a number of large-scale exercises together with the authorities and official agencies (the police, justice, emergency services etc.). Among other exercises, the terminals at Sandefjord and Strømstad and M/S Bohus took part in the national exercise “Tyr”, which was a collaboration exercise involving a number of official agencies in November 2016. The ships M/S Superspeed 1 and M/S Superspeed 2 also participated in an emergency towing exercise with the Norwegian Coastal Administration and national standby towing resources in November 2016.

Training and proactive work

In 2016, the company’s HR department conducted an extraordinarily large number of courses relating to the contingency plan for safety at sea for all employees on ships. This was intended to meet the new the new training requirements of  the revised STCW 2010 (Manila) convention, which entered into force on 1 January 2017.

In 2016 Color Line performed a review (known as corporate compliance) of laws that must be complied with in the company in the context of the requirements of society and the shipping company itself. A report has been delivered by the group and will be used in the further development of this area.

In 2016, Color Line also completed a project to review how the group fulfils the requirements for personal protection in the light of stricter personal data requirements from authorities. Further measures are being taken to ensure and document Color Line’s compliance with applicable legislation in the future.